Tips for saving time and/or money so you have more time and/or money for quilting.
Last week I had this big snag on my dress. I didn't want to replace my dress so here's how I fixed it:
Step one: All I needed was a needle threader. These are available in most any fabric store.
In the notions aisle.
You can buy a three pack for less than a dollar. Here is a link for them on sale at Joann's:
Step three: keeping the wire in place turn the garment right side out. Now you are looking at the front side of the fabric and it has a wire loop sticking out.
Step four: thread the snag through the wire like you're threading a needle.
Step five: from the backside of the garment, pull the needle threader wire through, with the snag still inside the wire loop.
Step six: do not cut the snag off because the fabric can come apart if you cut it, especially if it is a knitted fabric.
TA DA, your dress no longer has a big snaggy thread hanging out.
Here is the after picture and the arrow shows where the snag was. SMILES
Thanks for looking.